Sunrise turns the sky’s moonlit path into orange as I watch my lover's silhouette transform into rose flesh. Light dances among the blackberry curls of her hair, and I wonder what visions she sees across the salt marsh. We have torn our hearts into puzzle pieces trying to redefine what today would mean, but goodbye can never become whole. Trapped in Poe’s haunting raven’s crow of “nevermore” neither can let go of the obsession to twist ourselves into an impossible dream. I don’t want to break the spell her eyes speak to the horizon, but leaving now owns the few hours we have. I don't want tears to write our memories. ©Susie Clevenger 2019 Margaret's challenge at Real Toads had us writing in colors. From the color list she provided I chose the following colors: Moonlit Path , (Victoria) Rose , Salt Marsh(es) , Raven (Wing), Nevermore (Grey), (Violet) Obsession. Real Toads ~ Artistic Interpretations Wi