The Owl of Capricorn's Moon

She sits on my shoulder, 
a feathered sage whispering
to my dreams about a tomorrow
I can’t see and doors yet to be open.

With the gentle touch of my hair
resting against her owl feathers
I feel the caress of angels who 
watch from Capricorn’s moon,
and loneliness feels less empty.

Outside my window trees write
their wind stories across the glass.
Without a sound the owl stirs 
the silence with its wings.
Within me the knowing forms,
it is time for her to leave to write
her own page in the journal of midnight.

©Susie Clevenger 2024



  1. This is so beautiful Susie! So many wonderful lines and a sense of hope and comfort among all the hurt and loss a heart can hold. I absolutely love this and am so glad you joined in for the Word Crafters prompt!


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