Betting on Rolled Eyes

 "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." e. e. cummings

Do you like crackers with your bananas?
I do like a little cackle in my crazy so
the happier the noise the less bitter the eye.

I once asked bread, “Do you get scared
when I stare at you through the oven window?”
My daughter’s reaction was priceless.
The yeast lost its rise in the giggles,
but betting on a set of rolled eyes was a winner.

I’ve been known to flaunt fashion.
My junior year I wore a bright orange dress
to prom and pranced among pastels in catwalk Halloween.
My dress spoke louder than their hairspray.

My motto is: “Don’t take yourself
too seriously because the mirror
has memory, and never wear
leggings to a buffet.


  1. I love that your dress spoke louder than the hairspray at prom! Every line is priceless Susie! Oh and I never ever wear leggings to a buffet, that would be wrong on more than one level. LOL

  2. I so enjoyed this poem. Love the orange dress.

  3. I love that you love a little cackle in your crazy making the eyes less bitter, love it!!!


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