Blame it on Music

I’m going to dance,
not care about stares,
not care about glares.

My happy grooves
when music moves
me to step up and step out.

If I smile, you can smile.
If I sway, it’s OK.
If I clap, it’s no trap.

Music doesn’t care how you look,
doesn’t care how long it took
for you to get over yourself.

Bring on the band…I’ll take your hand.
There’s no divide when happy glides
right up to your seat to get you on your feet.

©Susie Clevenger 2019

Real Toads ~ Juice!


  1. Right! Enjoy. Move. Stop thinking "How do I look" but "Wow, I'm having fun". By the way, your link isn't working at the challenge prompt. It takes us TO IGWRT's.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is the way our Friday and Saturday night dances used to go. Lots of singles, it was perfectly acceptable to ask for a dance. Many found a mate for the evening, some for longer, some even way longer. 

    1. My favorite was a small young Russian lady who taught us a dance class. She helped me with a dance, she was sooo light on here feet.

  4. Yes, yes! Just love this, Susie. It can sometimes be hard to remember. But usually when the music is playing I am able to abandon and groove :)

  5. Music doesn’t care how you look,
    doesn’t care how long it took
    for you to get over yourself.

    So very true!

  6. I love it. Especially the lines Kerry quoted! Smiles.

  7. I especially like that fourth stanza.


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