
For me to unmake the wild light that candles me
would seal me in the darkness of another’s choice.

Misery tried to form me from its clay of sorrow,
but I refused to surrender to the sculptor’s knife.

Waiting for the world to turn back to me,
decide I fit in a slot I’ve outgrown is not living.

I believe what you love you must love now
because tomorrow could arrive empty.

©Susie Clevenger 2019

My poem was written from Kenia Santo's prompt to create a poem from a list of Post-Rock song titles she provided. The songs I chose are: Unmake the Wild Light, Waiting for the World to Turn Back to Me, and What You Love You Must Love Now.


  1. I love "the wild light that candles me", "its clay of sorrow", and the refusal to submit to the sculptor's knife. Wow, Susie, fantastic!

  2. Perfect pairing of poetry and song titles!

  3. Wow! This reads like a hymn of resistance! Loved every line of it, Susie. Unmake the wild light is one of my favorite songs in the list.

    Thank you muchly for writing to my challenge!

  4. Such an incredibly deep and profound write, Susie! 💜💜💜

  5. It's clear that you and I have shared, if separately, the same struggle for our own identity and not the one that was thrust at us so insistently. Good for us, that we have arrived on these shores singing our own music.

  6. I love the way you describe the urgency of capturing love while it lasts... the other path is way to go.

  7. Be here now is the only way to be. I love the description "wild light that candles me".


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