Metamorphosis of Dying Leaves

Tree limbs decorated with brown leaves
write their ode to change on the moon
in autumn’s calligraphy.

Today and tomorrow sit on owl feathers
waiting for midnight to slip one into history
while the other gracefully relinquishes its crown of future.

I feel the weight of inevitable lift from my spirit
as I surrender to my own metamorphosis.
The starlight song of ancestors plays as I write a new chorus.

©Susie Clevenger 2019


  1. How I LOVE "today and tomorrow sit on owl feathers" ! And oh, your closing line is exquisite, Susie. Wow! I can almost hear the ancient music.

  2. There is so much in this little poem that I am breathless. The trees and their inhabitants, "their ode to change," guides and--if we are willing--helps us see ourselves in the continuum of life through death and beyond. This is my favorite poem of yours forever.

  3. This is absolutely stunning, Susie! ❤️ I love; " I feel the weight of inevitable lift from my spirit
    as I surrender to my own metamorphosis." Wow!!

  4. What a stunning picture you painted with your words Susie. A most beautiful poem.

  5. I luv the leaves writing their ode. Its interesting that in their Autumnal fall change is recorded

    Thanks for dropping by my blog Susie


  6. A beautiful little poem with a treasure of rich metaphors! Such wealth compels the spirit to croon songs of let go and embrace the new.

  7. A gorgeous poem, Susie; I love the shift from trees, leaves and autumn’s calligraphy to personal metamorphosis, and especially the lines:
    ‘Today and tomorrow sit on owl feathers
    waiting for midnight to slip one into history’.

  8. Susie,

    A most impacting poem with alll your images drawn from your very fitting words. I had never thought of autumn's calligraphy, as written in the fallen leaves. Superb metaphors, as with our own impending changes and mortality too...

  9. The ancestors are dancing with your chorus.

  10. "autumn’s calligraphy"

    "Today and tomorrow sit on owl feathers" - love all the images here!

  11. First stanza pulled me right in. Stunning poem, Susie!


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