We Once Owned the Sky

Darling, your lips hold
the last poem of a dying star
we once stormed with wishes.

With the luxury of innocence
we raced toward tomorrow
as if we could own eternity.

Now in this galaxy of empty moons
reality swallows the echo of promises.
We are a falling flame that doesn’t burn.

How curious it is love can draw us close enough to trust goodbye.

©Susie Clevenger 2019

I used Kerry's prompt Kerry Says ~ Let's Find Our Poetic Voice to write my poem.


  1. Oh, oh, oh, somehow I feel these words in my bones, Susie.
    So much love for you and for us sharing together in the Garden!
    Will keep seeing you here, there, and everywhere. Love xo MK

  2. Oh, Susie! That last line. I want to hug it, dance with it, kiss it until it kisses me back... and then hold on to it forever. I love it.

  3. Wow. That's all, just woww.

    I did yours, Susie.

  4. Susie, I have long been in awe of your poetic voice, which certainly needs no prompting from me. It has been an inspiration to me for years. I love your final line, which sums up so much of what I am feeling right now. Thank you so much.

  5. This aches in such a good way to read... to me this really put a somber hue to the fireworks of a new year

  6. "How curious it is love can draw us close enough to trust goodbye," .. This is absolutely stunning, Susie!! ❤️

  7. You surpass yourself with this one, Susie. I am literally stopped in my tracks when I read your first stanza by that inner awareness that I am reading true poetry. We do indeed live in a galaxy of empty moons, crying like the wolf for all that has run from us.

  8. Oh that last line hit me hard in the heart. It's always something special to find those who have earned that level of love and trust.

  9. How bittersweet and lovely this is! Perfect close.

  10. I'm with the 'wow' group. Your ink sounds, clear and deep ~

  11. The last line, I have chills upon chills ..... Thank you for gifting us this poem. Happy New Year!

  12. Wow from, me, too. The ultimate goodbye poem, the ultimate 2019 poem ... and oh, what a leap of trust it is!


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