Pouring Water Into a Pessimist

Can I swim the desert where the sea died
or does sand filled lungs fear drowning?

Out where my echo coughs with grit
tomorrow is an erasure wind
condemned to whisk a footprint’s progression
into the mirage of never begun.

Hope is a doorway placed in the middle of empty
to pour a glass half full.

The why is known…The can be encouraged.

I am a river of one hoping to become
a flood filled with dreamers.

©Susie Clevenger 2020


  1. A flood of dreamers, wow! Poets on the move, a world worthy of words
    Happy Sunday Susie


  2. This begs the question is the glass half full or empty? It's all about perspective. (sigh)
    Your poem makes one think...

  3. "Hope is a doorway in the middle of empty to pour a glass half full." Oh Susie that is one of the most amazing lines I have ever read! I love the opening question as well. This is magnificent Susie true to how hope is and beautifully written!!

  4. Some masterful lines in this … thoughtful … compellingly rendered … piece.

  5. The sand where the sea died, the sand-filled lungs, make me think of climate change which is uppermost in my mind these days. "Hope is a doorway placed in the middle of empty" is how I fel these days. Always an optimist, since 2016, it has been hard to hold onto any hope at all, and the burning koalas and kangaroos pretty much finished me off. Your closing lines are my constant prayer.

  6. Well I think you labelled correctly. Only a Pessimist would worry about swimming in the desert. But things aren't all bad because dreamers are not Pessimistic , but overly optimistic. My way of thinking at least. More so than I, an always having a Plan B person, would be.

  7. "Hope is a doorway placed in the middle of empty
    to pour a glass half full."---We need to have this Hope. We cannot let the sand-land spread and devour us. Every word of yours has such depth, as always!

  8. That title is delighted me with thought and the poem keeps to it in an existential way.

  9. Beautiful I especially loved "I am a river of one hoping to become
    a flood filled with dreamers."

  10. My Beloved Sandra, urging me out of my mountain nest & onto the coastline, attempts to convince me that all land can be homeland, but...

  11. You had me at the title!💝 What an amazing, amazing poem this is, Susie! I love; "Hope is a doorway placed in the middle of empty to pour a glass half full."

  12. optimism ...can be a tough sell. This poem helps.

  13. That doorway, that flood of dreams is what keeps the world (and its souls) moving.

    Love the title so much.

  14. That last line was a doozy! The present is a hard, bitter pill to swallow especially in these crazy times.

  15. tomorrow is an erasure wind - a line I will always remember and wish I had written! Fabulous!

  16. I think my comment must have failed to send. Have been travelling, sometimes with difficulty accessing the internet. Anyway - interesting poem, looking squarely at yourself. May the hopes you conclude with be realised!

  17. “Hope is a doorway placed in the middle of empty
    to pour a glass half full."---

    What an incredible line, Susie!

  18. Such powerful lines in this poem. While admiring one, I find another! ...and I find hope from a fellow optimist much welcome.


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