Rejecting the Wound

Bitter likes to talk behind your back,
carve your bones into its distortion.

Conversation’s acrid knife searches
tears to judge its wound.

Put trust in your own reflection,
not the cutting silver of wicked’s tongue.

©Susie Clevenger 2020

#napworimo2020 Day 16

Inspired by: #skyloverwordlist - Conversation
And this image from Real Toads In The Remains of This Month (April) taken by Karin Gustafson



  1. "The cutting silver of wicked's tongue....." I love that!

  2. " Conversation’s acrid knife searches tears to judge its wound," my goodness this is potent! ❤️

  3. Reading this, I straighten my back, flex my bones, lift my head....

  4. this is such an excellent development of the theme, Susie. each image slices to the bone.

  5. I like ‘Conversation’s acrid knife’ and ‘the cutting silver of wicked’s tongue’, Susie!

  6. I have that image saved in my photos, Susie--it is one of the most eloquent images I've ever see, and your words fall over it like a well-fitted garment--in particular that first couplet, and all the way through the second, with a strong close. All too many "conversations" are just veiled spite from "wicked's tongue."

  7. Susie, I smiled some, as it hit me when I reached the end that at the very first you were then writing a warning about "back biters". Its been a long time since I heard them mentioned.
    Stay Safe,

  8. That, my sweetest Susie, is the best advice I've read in ages. Listening to certain tongues is self-murder. Best to see ourselves and always remember that no one can makes into something we refuse to be.

  9. Enjoying my second time visiting this gem of a poem. Fabulous write, Susie! ❤️

  10. Too many things in this world will slice and dice us if we don't keep our guard up.

  11. There are ever those who attempt to bring others down so they themselves can appear tall. Unfortunately, they sometimes rise to positions of leadership .......................

  12. Sadly we often forget we are like animals and are competitive in almost everything.

  13. wow great stuff and completely agree "trust your own reflection" and love "not the cutting silver of wicked’s tongue"

  14. the last two lines held wisdom for me. yes, one does not have to be bitter when one possesses his or her own beauty. great write!

  15. Couldn't agree more! One of the perks of getting older is that one cares less and less what fools or nasties may think or say about one.

  16. Yes, bitter talk behind one's back is a like a knife wound. Where else would this stabbing occur but in the back, would it not?
    A bitter read as well but as a reminder of those wounds.

  17. Beware of back biters! Wonderful imagery


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