The Lessons in September

September gently rustles

dry leaves of August’s drought,

and I hear it urging me to rest.


Just as it must deal with the cackle

of summer’s dusted leavings, I too

need to surrender the weight of months

to a past I can’t unravel.


The ninth month has always birthed

a hunger in me to learn, to search the unknown.

This year I will nest in the breath of dreams and

let peace teach worry lessons in unburdening.


©Susie Clevenger 2020

Word Crafters Prompt ~ Favorite Month

Poets and Storytellers United Weekly Scribblings #35




  1. This will be the month that worry can be taught. Calm, inviting, patience she must learn

  2. I adore this poem Susie and I think it is a new favorite for me of yours!! Lines that draw you to read them over and over. I especially love, "I too need to surrender the weight of months to a past I cannot unravel" Sigh this poem is beautiful, brilliant, and wise!

  3. September always puts me in a contemplative mood too, though it feels especially intense. I wonder what things I'll find snarled up in my mind, and how to best kiss them and send them on their way if they no longer serve me.

  4. September is my birth month ~ I have always felt more in touch with what’s going on inside ~ not this year. Let this nightmare end ......

  5. I hope it will indeed be restful for you!

  6. "Rest in the breath of dreams". Quarantine certainly gives us ample time to meditate ... providing we don't read or watch the news!

  7. This is so beautiful, Susie. Resting in the breath of dreams sounds good.

  8. A soothing piece, and a gentle welcome of the autumn season. It's beautifully written.

  9. I wonder if cowards this year (or careful people) showed how being sensible is the best way of staying alive rather than fight the unfightable virus when there is no cure yet?


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