Glittering My Gloom


“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence;

the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.” 

― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Yesterday loves to stalk me,

haunt with mistakes, and braid my hair

with fear self-revelation is a soap opera

I’ll rewrite each day in my new season of blame.


I’m done wearing 2020 glasses. Lessons learned

are humming through my DNA, surging

through my ink and tying my shoelaces.

I won’t dance through spilled wine waiting to fall.


I’m grabbing an umbrella, throwing glitter in the air

and balancing on the sparkle. Why not?

Every pool of optimism needs a hypomanic lifeguard

when Eeyore comes to swim.  

©Susie Clevenger 2021


  1. So good! I could quote the whole thing. The last line is awesome: "hypomanic lifeguard /
    when Eeyore comes to swim" Wonderful.

  2. I love everything about this gorgeous poem Susie. As Qbit said, I would have to quote every line to show what is amazing!! When you glitter your gloom it shines brilliantly!! 🤩

  3. "When Eeyore comes to swim" .... The phrase enchants me! Glitter your gloom and dance on!

  4. Really enjoyed this. Especially like "self-revelation is a soap opera"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So many have told you how brilliant this is. I concur!

  7. I learned a new word, hypomanic, and looked up the symptoms. I know of one of these.
    My favorite, verse this time, "I’m done wearing 2020 glasses. Lessons learned . . . I won’t dance through spilled wine waiting to fall." The 2020 glasses and spilled wine were both losers.


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