Feathers to Consider


Check the Microphone

 His tongue has wings,

his eyes a jar of rumors.

 Give him an audience

and he’ll poison a flock.

 Be careful what your ears are fed.

It’s hard to lose the weight

of assumptions.

 ©Susie Clevenger 2022

A Cage is a Cage

Pretty wire doesn’t

make a cage warmer.

It doesn’t matter

how much glitter

is on the wings,

the song will always

cry freedom. 

©Susie Clevenger 2022

The Shadow in My Voice

 Testing shadows

to see how loud

I can crow.

 It’s in dark places

you learn the strength

of your wings.

©Susie Clevenger 2022

Owning the Glass

 Check your reflection.

You may not be pleased

when someone else

holds the mirror.

©Susie Clevenger 2022

The Sunday Muse #206


  1. Nice observations, Susie:
    Fake News
    Unjust Incarceration
    Practice Makes Perfect
    Proof Before Pu lishing

    Political situations, the first two are baddies with me.

  2. Wonderful, Susie. I especialy love "It's in the dark places you learn the strength of your wings."

  3. I love every gorgeous poem but my two favorites are a cage is a cage and the shadow in my voice! I am so glad you joined us for the Muse my friend!

  4. Susie - I loved the first poem and wasn't expecting a second, third, or fourth! But I read them all several times in a row, and the insights they convey somehow feel to me like they flow into one another very smoothly and naturally...

    David [ben Alexander]

  5. I loved rhe two pieces I wrote for this prompt — you should come read them.,

  6. I read and commented on FB, but I liked every one of these, Susie.

  7. There is a profound wisdom in each poem. Accumulated through years of living .. the joys, the grief, the simple, the complex. Brava.

  8. Wonderful quartet of poems Susie. The cages bring to mind Maya Angelou.

  9. You've found something visceral and important to say about each of these images, Susie. Pretty wire, indeed. And the first one really hits home these days.

  10. Reread these a few times.


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