Pulled from Gray


Bottled Moon

She poured moonlight

into a bottle, dream elixir,

perfume of wishes to place

on her temples to protect her

in the shadow winter of grief.

©Susie Clevenger 2022

Dandelion Skin

I’m the wish grown from dandelion bouquets,

and shades of moonlight.

Rebellion’s child bold in yellow petals

formed in stony fields of secrets.

©Susie Clevenger 2022

Apple in Water Tower Town

I’m an apple in a water tower town.

A sister serpent who doesn’t garden

with a Bible or submit to a rib.


Branded a witch with banned book wings

I collect whispers in journals and judgement in ink.


From the highest peak of narrow, I see what the faithful won’t hear.

I’m in the left of right and preacher’s scape goat sermon Jezebel.

 ©Susie Clevenger 2022


  1. "I’m an apple in a water tower town." - that is awesome!!!

  2. Each of these beautiful poems speak to my heart but my favorite is Dandelion Skin. I am so glad you are writing Susie! Your poetry speaks to all broken hearts!

  3. Love all the 3 poems Susie It is a real accomplishment to have all three images privileged with a poem each.


  4. There will be profound poetry in you ... for as long as you draw breath.

  5. powerful trio of verse, Susie.


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